Friday 14 May 2021

Simple Steps to Being an LGBTQ Ally

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On September 6th, 2018, the Indian Supreme Court struck down the provision of Section 377 of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) which criminalised same-sex intercourse. While this was a significant victory for India’s LGBTQ community, it is by no means enough. Various forms of discrimination, including but not limited to homophobia*, biphobia*, transphobia* and aphobia*, still run rampant in our country. One simple example of this is the fact that same-sex marriages are not recognised by the state. However, in a democracy like India, the government is just a reflection of our society. So today (May 17th), on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, let’s focus on our own shortcomings instead of the nation’s. Let’s learn how we can be allies to the queer community around us.

What’s the first step I should take to be an ally?

The first step to supporting your LGBTQ acquaintances, peers, friends and family is to educate yourself. Even if you don’t personally know a member of the community, it’s important to be familiar with it. Whenever you have a moment to spare, do some research on different genders and sexual orientations. The internet has a boundless collection of resources that explain the spectrum of identities within the LGBTQ society through essays, videos and even memes! To save you the time, here is a handy compilation of politically correct terms for various groups of the LGBTQ population:

What else can I do to help as an ally?

Here are some simple actions you can take to help the queer community:

Make an effort to use respectful language when speaking of this community.
Similarly, do not stay silent when someone else speaks of, or to, them in a derogatory manner.
If you are a straight, cis*, person, check your privilege so you can sympathise with those who do not have the same benefits.
When meeting someone for the first time, do not assume which gender they are, or what their romantic or sexual preference is - wait for them to tell you who they are.
If you are called out on problematic behaviour, do not get defensive. Instead, apologise, correct yourself, and move on from the incident.

How should I react if a queer friend comes out to me?

As a straight, allo*, cis female, I have an extremely limited perspective. So to answer this question, I asked my biromantic* friend - let’s call her Alex - to share what she believes is an ideal response to this kind of confession.

“The best reaction would be ‘okay, that’s cool’,” Alex muses, “because that shows they’re automatically accepting.”

Therefore, if a friend comes out to you as gay, bisexual, asexual, aromatic and/or transgender, don’t create much ado about it. Just make it clear that you recognise who they are, and are willing to provide a listening ear and a helping hand. Remember, your friend has shown respect, trust and affection by disclosing their identity to you. It is your duty to be worthy of these sentiments.

How should I react if my child comes out as queer?

If your child comes out as a member of the LGBTQ family, your responsibility, and subsequently anxiety, for their happiness is far greater than that of a friend. So to help you navigate this daunting experience, here are some major do’s and dont’s.

First of all, make sure your child knows that you are there for them, and will assist them on their journey. For example, tell your child, “I understand, and accept you for who you are”, or “I don’t understand completely, but I will make an effort to do so”.

Phrases like “it’s just a phase” and “you’ll grow out of it”, meanwhile, are absolute faux pas, as they completely invalidate your child’s sense of self.

It should be clear to you that this is your child’s identity, and it isn’t going to change anytime soon. “And even if it does change,” says Alex, “it’s not an ‘I told you so’ moment.”

Welcome your child’s new identity, as they feel safe, comfortable and content within it. If, some time down the line, they decide to change it, understand and accept that, too.

How can I, as a parent, be an ally as well?

As a child, I think the main mistake parents make when it comes to the queer community is sheltering their kids from it.

While most heterosexual couples are happy to let their little girls read stories about Prince Charming saving the day, they rarely ever expose them to stories about two women falling in love. Sure, this may be due to a lack of lesbian representation in the media, but it’s also because of the ingrained fear of “the other” in their minds.

Here’s an example of why this fear is not only foolish, but dangerous as well:

Aryan and Anita are an ordinary Indian couple with a baby boy named Avi. When Avi turns ten, they explain romance and relationships to him. They tell him that someday, he might fall in love with a woman, marry her, and start a family of his own. Avi listens disinterestedly, and soon returns to his model train set.

Then, a few weeks later, he comes across the word “bisexual” on social media. When he asks his parents what it means, they hush him, saying that he’s “too young” to understand it. His impressionable mind now forms negative connotations around the word. When he finally learns about homosexuality from his mates at school, he’s taught to joke about it, to jeer at it, to call his enemies “gay” as an insult.

Avi grows up, and marries a woman equally as bland as his mother. Soon, she gives birth to a girl. When this girl turns nine, she asks Avi what the word “lesbian” means. And Avi replies, “Don’t worry about that word, you’re far too young to understand it anyway.”

If your kid is old enough to learn about heterosexual relationships, they’re old enough to learn about the various diverse relationships that fall into the LGBTQ category, too. Don’t teach your child that a relationship is a romantic connection between a man and woman. Teach them that a relationship is a healthy, loving, romantic bond between any individuals.

Break the vicious cycle of heteronormativity*.


Being an ally isn’t difficult at all. Even small measures, like choosing to watch shows with queer representation, or speaking up when someone close to you makes a transphobic remark, show that you care. “At the end of the day,” says Alex, “all it takes is education and acceptance.”



Homophobia – Dislike of homosexual people

Biphobia – Dislike of bisexual people

Transphobia – Dislike of transgender people

Aphobia – Dislike of people on the asexual and aromantic spectrums

Cis –  Cisgender; a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex

Allo – Alloromatic; feeling romantic attraction

Allosexual; feeling sexual attraction

Biromantic – Feeling romantic attraction to both men and women

Heteronormativity – The belief that heterosexuality is the ‘normal’ mode of sexual orientation


  1. Well researched article Nethra and as always very well written. I think we need stop referring to them as ‘queer’. It’s really not nice to refer to individuals as queer because they don’t conform to the majority view in such matters

    1. Hi there! Thank you for the feedback. About the term 'queer', while it can mean 'odd' or 'unusual', it is also a politically correct term for the LGBTQ community. The 'Q' in LGBTQ can actually stand for either 'questioning' or queer. Hope that addressed your concern about the word!

    2. Hi Nethra
      This is as always a brilliant nothing that I say takes away from it.
      However, what is politically correct evolves over time, as prejudices fade and our views on a subject become more reasoned and rational. If you take the word ‘spinster’ as an example, you would find that it was perfectly alright to refer to someone to their face with this term right upto the 18th century— today it is rude and impolite and downright derogatory because we have a much more evolved view on the subject. The phrase ‘blind as a bat’ can no longer be used for visually challenged individuals, but they did form part of the lexicon in an earlier era.
      The word ‘queer’ therefore (in my view) should be permanently dropped in the context in which it is used today. :-)

    3. I understand why the word queer can come across as offensive - in fact, it was originally used as an insult against the LGBTQ community. However, this community then proudly claimed that yes, they were queer, and they were proud of it. So I believe that since the word itself has evolved, its meaning is no longer what it was at first and it does not need to be permanently dropped.

      Anyway, at the end of the day, you and I aren't as qualified to comment on the term 'queer' as the community whom it refers to. Therefore, I think it is acceptable to use the word, as long as the 'queer' people themselves deem it acceptable.

      Thanks for following up on this topic, it's interesting to hear your perspective!

    4. but also referring to them as queer forms a community that has been through a lot. so being called queer shows that their are others that have gone through what you are going through

    5. Hi Netra
      Thank you for taking time to respond to me with your thoughtful and well-reasoned point of view.
      However, not all members of the LGBT community deem the word ‘queer’ as acceptable. It tends to be used more by millennial and younger members of the LGBT community than older peers who recall all-too-well its barbed usage in decades past. Reclamation may seem inappropriate or even demeaning to those in the older generation who were oppressed by the word. Words can often become tools of oppression, however when used by the oppressed, they can also hold immeasurable power. However, it does not make it right for those who were not oppressed to use these terms. Society has moved from condemnation to acceptance, and we must therefore consign labels such as ‘queer’ to the columns of human history, rather than use them to build the foundations of a new world order. I realise that this thread has become longer than the original blog and perhaps takes away from the intent of your wonderful composition — so I rest my case. I quite enjoyed my interaction with you and have been schooled in the process.
      Thank you

    6. That's very true, but the fact that the entire LGBTQIA+ community has reclaimed it makes it okay in some contexts. Obviously if someone is uncomfortable with the word or finds it offensive then you should stop using with them. But a lot of people have accepted and reclaimed the word, in this case it is valid for them to use it in regards to themselves

  2. Voices like yours give me hope for the future, Netra. One of the most impressive, empathetic and inclusive pieces of writing I've read from someone your age. May your tribe grow. I'm very proud to know you, Netra 🤗

    1. Thank you very, very much for the kind compliments, Manisha Aunty!

  3. I have believed and taught my child this so I waas happy to read a well written article vocalizing this : "Teach them that a relationship is a healthy, loving, romantic bond between any individuals" I was even happier to note that someone from my child's generation is putting this out there. Proud of you Netra!

    1. It's great to hear you've taught your child this! Thank you for the compliments, too!

  4. Oh and thanks for the reminder to check our privilege. Extremely important in more than just this context.

  5. I love the person that you are, Netra!
    And you’re spot on - the importance of being an ally cannot be overstated. There is research evidence that health outcomes in these severely marginalised communities - physical health, mental health outcomes like depression, substance abuse, suicide attempts etc. - all those things can be moderated by family acceptance.
    Most parents say “I just want my child to be happy.” Good to reflect on what that truly means.

    1. Completely agree Mini. As parents we always want our kids to be happy - more than anything. And that means accepting them as they are and not as we want them to be. Not just aceceptinf but celebrating them as they are!

    2. Thanks for the perspective on mental health in marginalised communities! I can easily imagine that understanding and acceptance would reduce, if not completely stop, mental health issues like depression and anxiety!

  6. I love the person that you are, Netra!
    And you’re spot on - the importance of being an ally cannot be overstated. There is research evidence that health outcomes in these severely marginalised communities - physical health, mental health outcomes like depression, substance abuse, suicide attempts etc. - all those things can be moderated by family acceptance.
    Most parents say “I just want my child to be happy.” Good to reflect on what that truly means.

  7. Proud of the fact that your generation is speaking out and in the process also making my generation understand and accept the different serial orientations. Very well researched and penned

    1. Yes we can actually learn some much from
      The current youngsters if we stop to pause and listen instead of just always thinking that they are only lazy or self-obsessed or addicted to the screen. Gen Z is going to change the world!

  8. Sorry that was sexual not serial

  9. well written...i improved my vocabulary today

  10. Great writing Nethra ! But I'm not Q enough to comment.


  11. Fantastic piece of work, I really appreciate this mature thinking, amazing to see that the future of this world is in such great hands! 👏👏👏👏

  12. Brilliant Netra,as usual.As Shivprasad says,I have improved my English and your broad minded concepts and ideas are very important to the world in general and India in particular.God bless you my child.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Love this! And yes showing your supportive and that nothing will change between you are great ways to act when someone comes out to you. Also even if someone hasn't come out and whether or not you suspect something, make sure they trust you and feel like they can tell you. Don't force anyone to come out to you or anyone else. (This is all in regards to my personal experiences of people coming out to me and my reaction and our conversations after)

    1. Thanks, Shreya! And yes, it is important not to pressurise someone into coming out before they are ready. Thanks for adding that!

  15. Well written as always.Done a lot of hardwork analysing the topic . good work and thoughts.

  16. So proud of you Netra! Well-researched and extremely well written, also wanted to say your rationale and approach to address the point made by Jayant is quite insightful.

  17. Hi Netra, I loved your piece. Kudos for writing on such a sensitive subject. It is so much a part of our lives and our world yet it’s something that so many have trouble processing and accepting. Extremely well-researched and crisp. It’s going to be a long road for you as a writer and I’d love to see more of your spunky personality in your pieces. Draw on your own life experiences and do include them in your pieces. What prompted you to write this piece? What’s the story? Better still, interview someone from the LGBTQ community and tell their story. Love your voice. It has power so harness it well!
    Lots of love

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share such detailed feedback! This piece actually did start as an interview, but unfortunately, the friend I spoke to wanted to stay anonymous! Still, I'm sure I will write an interview someday in the future. I'll keep your feedback on drawing on my own experiences in mind, as well. Thanks again! :)

  18. Hi Netra, Good one. Very clear in what you want to convey though I must admit that I couldn't have done without the glossary.

    1. Thank you! I think most people would need the glossary, as I myself didn't know many of these terms until a few months ago.

  19. Such a well articulated piece on the burning issue of gender identity. It's so important to respect and accept one's sexual orientation that does not fall within societal borders. Love is pure and divine, let's not malign it and assign a gender to it. As parents and as a society at large, let's have the magnanimity to embrace the gender preferred noun of a child.

    So proud of you, Netra! More power to you!❤️💜💪🤗

    1. I totally agree re: the importance of acceptance and celebration of gender identity and sexual orientation! Thank you for reading and commenting!

  20. Netra - love the FAQ practical style of approaching this highly sensitive topic. Like a mature writer, you’ve shown your emotions through the way you’ve asked people to understand the issue and how to address this issue. You’ve expressed your frustration through the examples you’ve shared without it coming across like that. I also enjoyed the exchange between Jayant & you - again keeping your personal feelings aside, you embraced the challenge & responded with research & facts backing you . Simply love the attitude that comes with wanting to change the world one blog at a time.
    Su aunty

    1. Thank you very much for those compliments, Su aunty! I'm pleased you enjoyed the blog!

  21. So proud of you Netra..keep writing.
    Love all your blogs.

  22. Very well written Netra , I learnt so much today. Keep it up.

  23. Such practical ways to show our support. Very well written Netra.


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