Sunday, 9 April 2023

From Istanbul to India: Fighting Gender-Based Violence

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India is unsafe for women. It’s one of those self-evident statements that we’ve all heard, accepted, even propounded without much thought. But today, let’s pause to think about it. What makes an Indian woman more vulnerable to violence than women elsewhere across the globe? What does Indian law around gender-based violence lack when compared to international policies?

To make any comparison, we have to select a suitable standard. While the world has witnessed numerous multilateral attempts to bridge the gap between genders, uplift women, and promote an equitable global society, the Istanbul Convention stands out from among them. This document, negotiated by the 47 member states of the Council of Europe (COE), aims to eliminate gender-based violence in particular, and “create a Europe free from violence against women and domestic violence.” As it deals with a specific subset of discrimination, this Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence cannot be objectively compared to blanket documents like the United Nations’ CEDAW or the Beijing Declaration. Fortunately, we can compare it to India’s legislation around gender-based violence. How are the two similar? Where do they differ? And what can each learn from the other?

What is a convention anyway?

Let’s begin with an introduction to the concept of a convention. A convention is an agreement between multiple states which, unlike resolutions or declarations, is legally binding. States not only sign, but ratify a convention, thereby consenting to be bound by its principles.

A convention is not, however, synonymous with a law. A convention merely lays down broad guidelines, which states can then implement in the form of relevant legislation. This must be kept in mind when comparing the provisions of the Istanbul Convention to their parallels in Indian law.

Indian law around gender-based violence

Under Indian law, the multifaceted matter of violence against women is dealt with in multiple documents. These include the Indian Penal Code, as well as more specific legislation like the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 and The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act of 1956. The above laws are all substantive, i.e., directly defining both the rights and obligations of citizens as well as related crimes and their remedies, rather than procedural. They also deal with violence against women in particular, rather than women’s rights in general. (In this article, I will be focusing only on that subset of gender-based discrimination.)

Finally, note that these laws apply to India, a developing nation with a population that recently became the world’s highest, while the Istanbul Convention was drafted from the lens of richer, ‘first-world’ countries with populations comparable to those of our cities. Having established this context, let’s continue to the crux of this article: comparing Indian law to the Istanbul Convention.

The Istanbul Convention involves four key aspects: prevention, protection, prosecution and coordinated policies.


Let’s begin with prevention. Governments bound by the Istanbul Convention must:

- train professionals in contact with victims,

- regularly run awareness-raising campaigns,

- include issues like gender equality and conflict resolution in teaching material,

- set up treatment programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence and sex offenders,

- work closely with NGOs with similar goals,

- and involve the media and private sector in promoting gender equality.

What preventive measures does India take against gender-based violence?

- Programmes like the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, Swashkti project, Swayamsidha Project, and the Support to Training and Employment Programme are aimed at the socioeconomic empowerment of downtrodden women. These are based on the principle that women who are self-sufficient and independent of their abusers can free themselves from the cycle of domestic violence.

- Our government also educates underprivileged women on these issues through literacy and legal awareness schemes.

- Further, the Indian government cooperates with NGOs like Majlis Manch and Prerana working to empower women against male violence.

Clearly, Indian law dealing with prevention of violence against women is on par with the Istanbul Convention’s provisions on the same subject. One marked distinction, though, is the lack of rehabilitation for perpetrators of gender-based violence in India. In India, sex offenders are seen as monsters, undeserving of second chances. But what if this mindset, which prevents their rehabilitation, harms not just criminals but the society around them as well? Recent research suggests that offence-focused psychological treatment of sex offenders is effective in reducing both sexual and general reoffending. Rehabilitation of sex offenders could prevent their recidivism, reducing the likelihood of their victimising more women in the future. Perhaps it’s time for Indian legislators, therefore, to reevaluate their stance on rehabilitation as a preventive measure.

Another aspect that must be addressed is the monitoring and evaluation of already-existing preventive measures. In fact, the Rajya Sabha has even commented on the lack of information regarding the results of the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: “Now more than 25 years have gone by, the Committee is not aware whether the Ministry has ever carried out any impact study or assessment concerning RMK. The Committee wishes that the Ministry should conduct an impact study/assessment of the RMK with regard to its efficiency; the extent to which it has been successful in meeting the desired goals; whether it could reach out to the intended beneficiaries across the country.”

Putting in place mechanisms to monitor and evaluate our preventive measures is just as vital to their success as establishing these measures in the first place.


The next pillar of the Istanbul Convention is protection. The convention urges that all victims of gender-based violence have access to clear and comprehensible information on available services. These services must include free, state-wide helplines operating at all hours, as well as easily accessible shelters and rape crisis centres.

In India:

- Victims can easily access services from domestic violence intervention to legal aid through the helplines available on the National Commission for Women’s website. Not only this statutory body, but multiple NGOs, too, put forth their own helplines for women in need.

- As for women’s shelters, the Ministry of Women and Child Development introduced the Swadhar scheme in 2001. With 318 Swadhar Shelter Homes across the country, the scheme provides victims with the primary requirements of temporary shelter, food, clothing and medical facilities.

- Additionally, Swadhar offers counselling, vocational training and legal aid to help women rebuild their lives.


What about prosecution? The convention defines and criminalises various types of violence against women. Ratifying states must now introduce new offences where they do not currently exist. Examples of such offences include:

- stalking,

- female genital mutilation,

- forced marriage,

- forced abortion,

- and forced sterilisation.

Furthermore, states must ensure that culture and tradition are not used to justify any of the aforementioned actions.

While most of the offences above are dealt with in our penal code, forced sterilisation remains a menace to India’s female population. These generally government-mandated operations are carried out on women of the lowest social strata in mass sterilisation camps with negligent doctors, unclean equipment and expired drugs, resulting in severe medical complications including death.

In 2014, for example, about 140 women were taken to sterilisation camps in Bilaspur, the largest of which sterilised 83 women within four hours. 13 women were killed and many more hospitalised as a consequence. Despite numerous such tragedies, the Indian government has neglected to introduce any definite law against forced sterilisation.

When it comes to the cultural justification of violence against women, India is a mixed bag. On one hand, India has taken strides in the protection of women by abolishing customs like Sati and the payment of dowry. On the other, a crime as heinous as marital rape goes unpunished as its criminalisation will supposedly “destabilise the institution of marriage” in India. Transgressions like marital rape must be recognised as the gross human rights violations they are before any action can be taken against them.

Integrated Policy Making

The final component of the Istanbul Convention is integrated policy making. The Convention advises lawmakers to involve law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, NGOs, child protection agencies and other appropriate partners in combating violence against women. This practice is being incorporated into the working of the Council of Europe’s member governments, as well as India’s.

Implementation on the ground

On paper, Indian laws surrounding gender-based violence aren’t that far behind their counterparts in the Istanbul Convention. So why the disparity in the actual implementation of such laws? Why is India considered so much more dangerous for women?

Part of this lack of safety stems from the ubiquitous root of almost every other nationwide issue: too many people sharing too few resources. The high population density of urban areas leads to overcrowding and a deficit of space, making women vulnerable to harassment and assault. This can often deter women from accessing public spaces altogether. Resources under strain from overpopulation barely reach rural areas, where the absence of basic amenities like sanitation endangers women. The absence of education, meanwhile, obstructs them from ever progressing past this danger. India’s judicial system is overburdened and inefficient, frequently delaying, and therefore denying, female victims their justice. Other problems like India’s deeply-rooted patriarchal attitudes and women’s economic dependence only serve to exacerbate the issue.

But while India definitely isn’t heaven for women, can some part of its hellish image be attributed to mere perception? A 2018 survey that ranked India as the world’s most dangerous country for women, skipping right over war-torn Syria and oppressive Saudi Arabia, was quickly exposed as fallacious. And this survey was conducted by none other than the widely-trusted Thomson Reuters Foundation! Rather than taking any data into account, the study relied wholly on the opinions of 548 anonymous experts. While it naturally does not provide legitimate information about the actual state of women in India, it does give us a valuable insight into the world’s perception of it.

To armchair academics who have never ventured into India, it may seem like a primitive place where women in saris toil away in servitude, not daring to open their mouths for fear of attack, with elephants roaming around in the background all the while. But the new India is nothing like that! Slowly but surely, we are making progress towards women’s empowerment alongside the rest of the world, including our friends in Europe. Indian women enjoy benefits like liberal abortion laws, generous maternity leave policies, and rights to residence in cases of domestic violence, which millions of women in more developed countries are denied.

When I began writing this blog, I myself believed I would find Indian law woefully lacking in comparison to the Istanbul Convention (I am going to blame my bias on those 548 anonymous experts). I stand corrected. India’s legislation around gender-based violence is nearly on par with the COE’s, and each has its own unique merits. More power to both!


  1. Netra you have so beautifully analysed the different laws , conventions and declarations on this subject
    I admire you for being honest in saying you started with a bias and your detailed analysis gives a different perspective about India.
    We need more people like you to look at various issues where India is being accused by the west and get the correct facts and make our opinion based on facts

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! I am delighted you thought so highly of my work.

  2. Very well written piece. Gives a good perspective on the subject.

  3. Very well researched and clearly articulated!

  4. Very informative and good analysis.

  5. Very well analysed Netra.
    Very often i feel, this is my opinion, that the women in India , even those who are supposedly educated,mostly rural but also urban, may not be really aware, one, that they are being treated badly or abused; two, what is the law and how to go about it , or,whom to approach; three, even if they do approach, the law makers either ridicule them, or don't pay heed to them, or don't believe them.

    So though we talk about safety of our women in India, my personal take is,as women are getting educated, the scenario will only get better

    1. I appreciate and agree with the thrust of what you say here.

      Your first paragraph succinctly presents the state of affairs in India - many women are unaware of their rights, perhaps even accepting a subservient role as being the natural order of things. But an even more pernicious aspect of women's rights in India is the behaviour of the police and society at large when serious assaults take place. In many instances, the police refuse to even register the complaint of a woman who has faced an assault of a sexual nature. And very often, the police lack the necessary training and education in handling these serious issues. And the victim is often blamed for having been assaulted.

      You go on to write: "my personal take is, as women are getting educated, the scenario will only get better"

      Well, not necessarily.

      Patriarchal attitudes do not disappear overnight because women become educated and become aware of their rights. Women might surely become aware of their rights and take control of their lives but even then, the job is only half done if men aren't taken along and if men don't play ball. Even in Scandinavia where I live (I am a vagabond shuttling between Norway, Denmark & France) men's awareness and acceptance of women's foray into areas that were once the domain of men has thrown up other wrinkles. The financial independence that women now have and the consequent sidelining of the "breadwinner" Even Iceland, which has the most progressive policies that attempt to usher in gender equality, equal pay etc. etc. is not the utopia one might be led to believe. See the article "The Misogynist Violence of Iceland’s Feminist Paradise - The world’s “best place to be a woman” is far more dangerous than its reputation" suggests" by SigrΓΊn Sif JΓ³elsdΓ³ttir in Foreign Policy (Ref: For the record, Iceland is not a patriarchal society like India, there is 100% literacy, laws are enforced, there is hardly any corruption and there is a conscious decision to prioritise and allocate resources to women's issues. But above all, Iceland does not have a "vishwaguru complex" and Icelanders have no qualms about accepting and discussing the shortcomings in their society.

      BOTTOMLINE: Unless men are taken along and accept that women are equal to them, women's education alone might not be sufficient for improving women's rights and welfare. Patriarchy is powerful.

      PS: Your post comes out with no name and you are listed as "Anonymous". For some odd reason, in this primitive blog platform, UI (User Interface) does not prompt you to enter your name before you write your comment. We owe it to Netra to let her know who the persons giving her feedback are. It would be great if you indicate your name should you decide to respond to my comment. Takk

  6. So what you are saying is the legal framework we have in India is on par with this COE’s Istanbul Framework which you say is a global standard of some sort? And that our issue on violence against women in India is more about our ability to execute and enforce against what seems to be a good (or as good as it can be, reasonably good’) set of laws- where we are behind because India is for now resource constrained (I mean more than money, but things like educated population etc)- is that it? Sounds kind of right to me

  7. Thank you, for shedding light and educating people globally who otherwise just seem to resort to mudslinging. India is clearly brilliant and your efforts in accumulating facts to substantiate your argument is praiseworthy! Keep going! πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed my article so much!

  8. Well researched and well written

  9. In the meantime, I was ignorant about women's human rights. Maybe it was because, as I perceive it, women were given the same opportunities and treated the same as men. The cases in the article seem a bit distant in Korea, but I think we should pay attention to the fact that the women's movement is still going on in Korea.

    1. Yes, women continue to face violence everywhere in the world, not just in certain countries. I hope my article inspired you to find out about Korea's feminist movement!

  10. Chithra krishnan15 April 2023 at 05:40

    Wow Netra, what a great analysis , thank you for opening our eyes and shedding light on this topic, as you rightly say bias plays a big part on our attitude, wish you the very best πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜

  11. Brilliant as always. My blood would always boil when people in the West painted India in a poor light in every aspect. Thanks for setting it right in this case

  12. Total fan girl moment happening here, Netra. The ability and maturity to state your case after taking facts into consideration is commendable for someone your age! Western perception has largely been flawed and biased and it's heartening that the future of India - youth like you are able to see through it. Having said that, we do have a long way to go. But where there is hope, there is change. May your thoughts flow with courage and conviction!!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Yes, I wholly agree: while part of India's image is due to flawed perception, we still have a long way to go before women are truly safe in our country.

  13. Very interesting to read about the comprehensive work that the COR has put together with the Istanbul Convention! Good to see India has a great framework of laws too around violence against women! All this is hard work to implement - was reading about it - even a developed set of rich nations under the Coe took 6 years to just ratify the Istanbul convention - so it is hard work anywhere but has to begin somewhere!
    See below

  14. More power to you Netra as every time you come up with a blog with so much research and analysis.Thanks for taking up and enlightening each of us with such fine content in detail.

  15. Dear Netra !

    I am so happy that you chose to analyse a theme that is very close to my heart. As a Council of Europe (COE) employee with more than 20 years at the organisation, I have been witness to many landmark Conventions and initiatives that the COE has spearheaded to make the world a less violent and a more democratic place where rule of law prevails. But above all, I admire the perspicacity you bring to the debate, comparing the Istanbul Convention and Indian laws on the same theme i.e. women's rights. For the record, let me state that when I myself was 16, I doubt I could have pulled off such an analysis. Turbans off to you !!

    Nonetheless, being a Keralite and perhaps therefore a congenital hair-splitter, I have a few comments. I know you are not an economist - yet. But as someone who has always been fascinated with the economics of the informal sector, I must add a few observations here.

    You write "Indian women enjoy benefits like liberal abortion laws, generous maternity leave policies, and rights to residence in cases of domestic violence, which millions of women in more developed countries are denied"

    Well, there are surely laws in the India legal codex where women have maternity rights, abortion rights and so on. But do they apply to women working in the informal sector? Remember that nearly 90% of India's labour toils away in the informal sector where rights such as the ones you mention do not exist. For instance, the maid and the cook who work for my parents in Madras do not have an employment contract, get paid in cash, have no sick leave let alone maternity leave. Indeed, all the 8 flats in the complex where my parents live employ women, usually as maids, babysitters, cooks, care for the elderly etc.etc. and no employee has any formal contract. In addition to these maids and cooks, there are a number of security staff, a couple who stand outside on the road and iron clothes and so on. This is very much a cash economy and a very important one at that, with nearly 50% of India's GDP produced in the informal sector. And a very significant chunk of that GDP comes from women's labour.

    The life of the worker in the informal sector is very precarious. When the harebrained scheme called demonetisation was unleashed upon the economy in 2016, the hardest hit sector was the informal sector and the people working in this sector. Likewise, when the sudden lockdown was announced in 2020, the informal sector was extremely hard hit with many migrants trekking from large urban centres back to their villages as their employment was summarily terminated. And in an act of immeasurable cruelty, the very upper middle class housing society where my parents lived - where every household had at least 1 NRI income source - decided to ask all the workers to leave with accumulated salary and little else. One couple with an infant had to walk back to Nepal all the way from Madras whilst another couple had to trek back to Assam.

    Women in the formal workforce in India might enjoy many of the rights you mention. However, the bulk of Indian labour, particularly women in the informal sector, do NOT enjoy these benefits.


    1. Thanks so much for sharing this information about the informal sector! I must admit I hadn't considered them at all when mentioning maternity leave in India. I wholeheartedly agree that women working in the informal sector deserve such rights, and we have a long way to go before these rights are available to them. Nevertheless, I would argue that providing generous maternity leave in a more easily regulated sector of the economy is the first step towards providing it to all women across India. I'd also like to add that the other pros I mentioned (abortion laws, right to residence) apply to every Indian woman, though some of course have greater awareness of, and easier access to them.

    2. Hello Netra !

      Thanks for the response. Yes, when it comes to the informal sector, not only women, but also men lack a lot of formal rights that one takes for granted in the formal sector. That said, the informal sector can be harsher towards women than men.

      I read a book by the American sociologist Barbara Ehrenreich called "Global Woman" in which she tracks the lives of women employed as nannies, caregivers and maids in households in the West and in the Middle East. It was quite an eye-opener for me. Maids from poor countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, India etc. were employed in Western household and they face a somewhat unique but no less nasty kind of repression at the hands of their female employers. These maids were necessary for activities such as childcare such that the lady of the house could realise her career ambitions in the formal labour market. And yet, there would inevitably come a stage when the child gets attached more to the maid than to the mother with the resulting conflicts and often, the summary termination of the maid's services. I know that digress here. But just wanted to dwell a bit on another, less spoken about kind of informal labour market that is uniquely a female one.

      Yes, you are right that other protections that Indian law guarantees all women exist, at least in theory. And yes, access and awareness might vary depending on whether you are educated or uneducated, rural or urban, upper caste or Dalit and so on. What matters though are proper longitudinal studies of how these laws have fared over time and across the length and breadth of the country and across castes and classes.

      Keep the good work going Netra.

  16. Absolutely brilliant Netra! Very informative and well written πŸ‘πŸ½

  17. Exhaustive and super well researched Netra.. great piece of writing

  18. Very well researched and balanced. Western organisations should see this and compare

  19. Very well written. Detailed research and facts on an important topic.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Shreya!

  20. Good spadework as usual. Well written. Very heartening to know that things are improving in India. Your article is an eye opener to clear the popular myth against India.

  21. Very nicely analysed and written. It is easy to brush aside what we have without thinking. Thank you for enlightening us with this article.


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