Friday, 19 April 2024

Game, Set, Match: Saudi's Sportswashing Success

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The deserts of Saudi Arabia have come alive with sports. From its purchase of the Newcastle United football club, to the launch of the lavish LIV Golf series, to the millions of dollars it has poured into F1 racing, Saudi Arabia is quickly emerging as a world sports hub. But the deserts of this Kingdom, now embellished with swanky stadiums and expensive equipment, are the very deserts which witnessed the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi just six years ago. They are the deserts whose women suffer everyday, denied dignity, autonomy, and safety. They are the deserts where hundreds of Ethiopian asylum seekers were bombarded with explosives as they attempted to cross the Yemen-Saudi border.

This phenomenon, involving the use of sports to redirect public attention away from a government’s evils, is commonly called sportswashing. The term was coined by human rights campaigner, Gulnara Akhundova, to criticise the hosting of the European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2015. But the practice is centuries old. In Ancient Rome, dictators provided “bread and circuses,” or food and extravagant entertainment, to the common people to keep them pacified. In 1936, Hitler organised the Berlin Olympics to promote the Nazi regime, celebrating ideologies like Aryan supremacy and antisemitism on a global platform. In 2008, meanwhile, the Beijing Olympics served to divert attention from China’s transgressions in Darfur, Myanmar, and Tibet, as well as the country’s pollution problem. The Human Rights Watch contended that the true winner of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, held in Russia, was President Vladimir Putin. He used this event to legitimise his own reign, even as human rights abuses reigned across his country.

Now Saudi Arabia, too, has jumped on this bandwagon by investing its immense wealth in sports. And sportspeople, enticed by the Kingdom’s deep pockets, have readily followed. Cristiano Ronaldo became the highest paid athlete in 2023 when he left Manchester United to join the Saudi Arabian football club, Al Nassr. Soon after, Neymar Jr. joined Al Hilal, earning a hitherto unheard-of transfer fee. The same year, professional golfers Cameron Smith, Dustin Johnson, and Phil Mickelson faced massive backlash when they withdrew from the prevailing PGA tour to participate in Saudi’s LIV Golf series.

“We know they killed Khashoggi and have a horrible record on human rights. They execute people over there for being gay,” remarked Mickelson. “Knowing all of this, why would I even consider it? Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape how the PGA Tour operates.”

But not everyone supports this Kingdom’s sporting initiatives. Lina al-Hathloul, sister of women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul, spoke out against the upsurge in Saudi’s popularity due to sports.

“The danger of sportswashing is that it’s the crown prince himself that we’re giving the money, influence, and power to,” al-Hathloul said. “We are empowering and normalising someone who has tortured and imprisoned people like my sister and al-Qahtani.”

Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, added that athletes who performed in Saudi were contributing to the nation’s “strategy of whitewashing Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s abuses.”

Athletes collaborating with Saudi have been criticised not only by activists, but also by their former teammates. "In the end, it's a decision about money — and against football," German footballer Toni Kroos commented on the footballers who had joined the Saudi Pro League.

But while we are quick to point fingers at sportspeople who participate in these events, is it really their responsibility to uphold freedom and justice? How much of this burden can we place on an individual player?

A sportsperson’s purpose, if one exists beyond their individual goals, is the promotion of sports. It can be argued that Saudi Arabia’s government goes against everything sports stands for: diversity, inclusivity, and fairness. Yet when this state is throwing unprecedented opportunities to expand sports their way, which player can refuse? That argument is therefore null and void.

Each sportsperson, I believe, should simply sell their talents to the highest bidder. They cannot be held to a higher moral standard than the rest of society, and expected to make choices we deem correct, just because their achievements have catapulted them into stardom. They are famous for their athletic prowess, not their politics.

Instead, let’s turn to the people whom we have voted into power precisely for their politics!

Even as we criticise individual players, political leaders across the world openly support Saudi. The USA, a supposed champion of liberty, is Saudi Arabia’s second largest trading partner. The UK, meanwhile, shares a strong defence relationship with the Kingdom. Earlier this year, the two countries even began developing weapons, from precision-guided missiles to armoured vehicles, together. Canada, after standing against Saudi’s arrests of human rights activists in 2018, has gone back on its stance by re-establishing diplomatic ties with the erring nation. And India’s relations with Saudi have only deepened in recent years, with the inception of the Strategic Partnership Council and the launch of the India - Middle East - Europe Economic Corridor.

When entire governments are ready to excuse Saudi’s offences for their national gain, how can we expect better from public figures? Political matters are a nation’s, not an individual’s, responsibility. So the next time you take to Twitter to angrily renounce a celebrity’s personal choices, redirect your rage towards a more fruitful tool for change: elections. Be it human rights, sportswashing, or any issue that impassions you, why wait for a celebrity to advocate your stance? Use your own voice — your vote.


  1. Informative piece with a lot to chew on. I feel enlightened!

  2. Very well written Netra, great way to bring in the underlying matters to surface, keeping going!

  3. Interesting .

  4. Kritika Srinivasan19 April 2024 at 22:31

    Thank you for picking up a topic that I have been ambivalent about for some time. And you have convinced me! Why should we hold sportspeople and other celebrities to higher standards than everyone else? That actually only serves to politicise sports.

    One question though - precisely since sportspersons are such influencers today, do you think that places a moral responsibility on them to shape opinion?

    By the way, I love your ending - so topical and relevant with our own elections underway!

    - Kritika

    1. My thoughts too

    2. Thank you for your comment!

      No, I don't think our expectations of sportspeople as influencers can dictate their moral responsibilities. As fans who admire their athletic abilities, we should be able to separate these abilities from their morals and political views.

  5. Well done Netra. Bravo!! It's always enlightening to read your posts. I am full of admiration for you with your ability to view the situations and events around you/ world so deeply at this young age. Keep it going my Dear. You are truly blessed!

  6. Wow, I had no idea that there was even a term called sportswashing! Great piece. I agree with you. As far as most sports people are concerned, it is all governed by market forces and how they can maximize their limited time on the field as their careers are super short compared to other professions.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you share my opinion on this!

  7. Sports and film stars influence the public.Hence they need to be careful,though money matters.You term Sportswashing is new to me.Well written.It makes people think.

  8. Superbly written - love the ending! You have a talent for writing - missed reading your blog

  9. As always, your blog is well researched, informative and well balanced. You have once again connected all the dots on the topic and shared your perspective with the community. Keep it up Netra and thanks for writing this blog.

  10. Amazing perspective and insight into so many aspects.
    Agree with you on most points.
    Still processing my opinions on the remaining!
    Always feel that no person is completely correct or incorrect. What is right in one person's perspective, may seem wrong in the other person's perspective. We need not agree with any one person, on all points. We can choose to disagree.
    It is good to pick the good in any person or country, and see if we can help to become a better person or a better nation.
    Shobha aunty

  11. brinda srinivasan20 April 2024 at 00:06

    Wow is the real word! Did not know that there existed a term called sportswashing nor that countries can stoop to such lengths to whitewash the real issues.
    On the other hand sports and film people wield great powers over the public. They ought to be accountable to some extent.
    Missed your my brains ticking again.

    1. Thank you for your comment!
      However, I must disagree with your view here. As sports fans, we should not allow ourselves to be influenced by a player's political views and then hold them accountable for it. Sportspeople sell their athletic abilities, not their political views.

  12. Netra you select such varied and interesting topics and give so many facts its just amazing
    As so many have mentioned even I didn't know about sportswashing!

  13. Wow... Quite a lot of research. Hard hitting. Sports washing.. First time I heard this

  14. Balanced analysis and well written, as always, Netra.
    Sportswashing is very topical, especially for sports fans.
    Similar to using their right to vote in
    politics, what sports fans can also do is use their right to like/follow sports personalities. So, vote using their pockets, their love and 'fanhood'. I think I love Ronaldo a little less now! :)

    1. Haha, thanks for sharing your opinion on this piece!

  15. Interesting piece! Very complex issue in my opinion
    There is a threshold at which these things operate - between not being worried about state policy and make individual decisions and between believing that every individual action counts if the cause is right..
    No prescriptions is the best prescription

    1. Agreed! In this case, I believe an individual action that actually counts is participating in your democracy, rather than criticising strangers on social media.

  16. Neutral, So when are you planning to publish your first book? Keep on writing and looking forward to your next article, don't delay.

    1. Haha, I think I'll stick to blogging for now! Thanks for your encouraging comment.

  17. Superbly written! Loved the ending - very relevant given elections are underway!
    Sportswashing —- first time I have heard this!

    One thing though - I do feel that personalities (sportsperson, filmstars etc.) have to be held to a bit higher standard given the influence they have on people’s minds and actions!

    1. Thanks for your comment!

      I have to disagree here: I don't think sports fans have the right to hold sportspeople accountable, and even blame them, when we have allowed ourselves to be influenced by their political views, which are separate from their sporting abilities.

  18. Well researched. I am actually hopeful for the future of Saudi Arabia as the young leadership of MBS has decided to modernise the nation. And he has the backing of youth in the country. Hopefully over the next decade, they will set the path for other countries in the Middle East.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I like your optimism about Saudi's future, and hope you're right.

  19. A mature piece and intersting perspective. We tend to be selective in our outrage and your blog calls that out very well. In these complicated days we live in, it's easy to take a narrow view of things. Great job of presenting a big picture.


  20. Very well written, Nethra! Yes, why should the sports professionals be held responsible for their choices when we should be asking these questions to politicians and governments? I agree. We should first ask the governments and politicians who need to be held accountable for their double standards.

    You point out that, “They are famous for their athletic prowess, not their politics” and so they cannot be held to a higher moral standard. I beg to differ on that. The sports persons earn a lot of money outside their professional field arena because of their stardom. They become role models for the younger generation. We (the society) should be definitely holding them to a higher moral standard.

    1. Thanks for your comment!

      Yes, sportspeople do earn money from their stardom, but this stardom itself is due to their sporting abilities. We must teach the younger generation to look up to players' successes in their fields of expertise, but not blindly follow every one of their views.

  21. Well written.

    Could star athletes use their participation to change policies? Definitely, a lone athlete cannot, but how about every athlete who participates in the Saudi Arabian-backed events? A few come to mind...Jesse Owens, Colin Kaepernick, Bille Jean King...

    I think athletes should be held to a higher standard because they are role models. Just as teachers are!

    1. Yes, athletes could collectively use their participation to change policies, but I don't believe they are obliged to do so. An individual sportsperson should use their abilities as they see fit, and not according to a moral standard set by the Twitterati.

  22. What a great piece of article

  23. Making money is easy. Making it the right way is not easy. Unfortunately, money talks and few economies have abundance of money but continue to progress backwards.

    As always, well researched, exceptionally well articulated and a balanced perspective. Great to have you publish your work after a long time Netra.

  24. Kaushal Kumarr Jain21 April 2024 at 06:05

    Very informative! Well written too. Keep up the good work Netra

  25. Please add IPL to the list too 😀

  26. The western governments are the biggest hypocrites. You can always find a policy of theirs that won’t fit into the principals they claim to uphold as sacred. Look at how they talk about the war in Ukraine and Palestine. On one side supporting the aggressor and on the other the victims of aggression.

    That being said, while individual athletes can’t be held accountable, what about sporting organisations? Like the WTA. The WTA! Think about it - they’re promoting women’s tennis in the country with the worst track record on women’s rights.

    1. Hmmm, I'll have to think through that a little more before forming an opinion. On one hand, these sporting organisations do have more power than the average player, but on the other, they too operate on a profit motive...

  27. Very Well written .A positive result would be if the whitewashing itself forces a change in behaviour of the nation's rulers due to expectations set by itself.

    1. That's an interesting possibility! Thank you for sharing.

  28. Sportswashing.... something new....thanks for the eye opener Netra. Kept thinking that the Saudis are actually on the path of a mild liberalisation especially with regard to women rights. And yes, sports persons should not be overburdened with politics. Let them enjoy the sport they love and perform well.- venkat

  29. Haha! Mention one field that's not politicised! Great topic, Netra and prolific writing, as always! Keep the literary bug active and going!!

  30. Your prod to the voters is well directed. They can and should use their moral compass to guide their electoral choices. And I believe many voters do that. But if you are impassioned about a cause, should you restrict yourself to one channel which may or may not work or should you use every influential channel at your disposal?

    On the sportspersons bit, here is some food for thought:

    It is true that we expect a lot from our sportspersons and celebrities. But the truth is that by their extraordinary feats they acquire an unalienable power over us. Whether by choice or chance, they become our heroes. That is why they can sell us sodas, shoes, cars and everything in between. And most of them exercise that power for monetary gain to its full potential. But with great power comes greater responsibility.

    If it’s okay for a hero to become a mere commodity and sell their talent to the highest bidder, it’s surely okay for a scientist to do the same (Imagine a nuclear scientist selling his talent to the highest bidder!). By extension of that logic, it’s fair for the politician to do the same. If heroes, scientists and politicians can’t be held to high moral standards, why expect any different from the voter? Shouldn’t they sell to the highest bidder as well?
    Many of them actually do - some in cash, some in kind and some in grand promises.


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