Saturday, 20 April 2019

Black Soldier Flies: Troops that Protect the Earth

Did you know that an average human generates about two kilograms of waste per day? Yes, it’s true!

By waste, I mean the things that you and I throw away, like sheets of paper, plastic packaging, leftover food, and so much more. But waste never really goes ‘away’. Anything that goes ‘away’ actually just goes somewhere else. So how do we dispose of things without creating too much waste

You have heard of Guardians of the Galaxy. Have you heard of the guardians of the Earth? 

There’s a method of reducing food waste, which I’m sure will amaze you. My cousin, Aparna Sundar, who I recently met, has been experimenting with different eco-friendly recipes and methods. This is how she gets rid of her household’s food waste without adding to the amount of garbage on our planet.

The first step in this process is refrigerating. Once Aparna eats a meal, instead of throwing them away, she mixes the food scraps in a large box. She then puts the box in a freezer or refrigerator. After about a week, once the food waste has broken down sufficiently, she takes it to a farm for composting. 

This farm harvests an insect that plays a critical role in this process: the black soldier fly. These flies’ larvae feed only on manure, garbage and rotting vegetable matter. They eat much more as larvae than at any other stage, and their hunger is insatiable. 

After approximately 14 days of feeding on the compost, they reach their pupa stage. This lasts for two weeks.

Finally, the black soldier flies become adults. They then die and decompose quickly, acting as natural fertiliser. In this way, black soldier flies reduce the amount of waste on the earth and even when they die, they continue being valuable to the environment.

This method of composting is just one way of giving back to nature. There are many more, which I hope to research soon. If we don’t start disposing of our waste in the right way, the earth will soon become a giant landfill.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Five Things to Do this Summer

Hey everyone! I’m thrilled that the summer is finally here. There are so many books to read, videos and movies to watch, friends to hang out with, and new games to play. But sometimes, the holidays can get boring. So here are some exciting things to do to make this summer a memorable one!

1. Organise a pool party

Organising a pool party is pretty simple. All you need are a group of friends, some light snacks and an apartment or club with a swimming pool. You can borrow and share floats and pool toys. Dive right in and enjoy!

2. Explore a unique hobby
Leil Lowndes, a renowned psychologist and communications expert suggested that knowing about a variety of hobbies helps people communicate with each other. This is simply because one person would be able to talk to another about a specific hobby if they have experienced it themselves.

And this is just one benefit of having many hobbies.

This summer, try out a new hobby. Maybe learn to write haikus, or choreograph dances, or learn a new sport from a friend. Indulge in whatever activities you’ve always dreamed about or wished you could do!

3. Bury your own time capsule
Have you ever watched a science fiction movie where a bunch of scientists bury a capsule that’s found millions of years later? Well, it actually isn’t that difficult to do. Take a plastic box (so it doesn’t decompose) and put newspapers, books, a board game and other trinkets into it. Bury it in a park and cover it up with mud, then wait for someone from the future to travel back in time to meet you!

4. Have fun with messy artwork

Do some messy crafts like pot painting, pottery or slime making! Wear old clothes and maybe create a Craft Corner in your house so you don’t make a mess everywhere. Just get completely into whatever craft you’re doing and don’t worry about getting dirty! Be creative and crazy!

5. Get crafting and scrapbooking
Scrapbooking is an interesting way of recording memories, using photos, captions and colours. Take any blank notebook and wrap the book covers in white paper. Now you can decorate the cover however you want!

Next, take pictures of anything exciting you see or do. Use these pictures to fill up the pages. You can draw designs and add captions too. Remember to add dates to the photos so when you look back at them later, you’ll know when they were taken.

I hope you liked my list of ideas for the summer. Whatever you choose to do, put your heart and soul into it, don’t get scared of getting dirty, hurt or injured, and most importantly, have fun!

What are some activities you like to do in the summer? Let me know in your comments below. Happy holidays!

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